B&G Surveying, Inc. has been focusing on ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys for over 30 years in Central Texas.

Address Information:
We are located at 1404 W. North Loop, Austin, TX 78756. Our main phone number is (512) 458-1009.
How much does a survey cost?
For pricing contact info@bandgsurvey.com
What is a Land Survey?
A Land Survey is a measurement by a licensed Surveyor, of real property, that shows all of the boundaries and existing features of a tract of land within the guidelines of the state law and professional organizations.
Who can perform a Land Survey?
A Land Survey can only be certified by a professional who is licensed to practice in the state where the property exists. This professional is called an RPLS or Registered Professional Land Surveyor.
Why should I have a recent Survey?
A home purchase is an important life decision and most likely your largest investment. With that in mind it is very important to understand your property lines, potential easement issues and building lines. A few years ago, an industry change took place allowing some borrowers to use an old or existing survey for the closing transaction. While this approach was done to assist the buyer with lower closing costs, it also leaves room for potential legal issues. Consider the fact that the cost of a survey is usually less than