B&G Surveying, Inc. has been focusing on ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys for over 30 years in Central Texas.
Elevation Certificates

Elevation Certificates
Please fill out our order form to request an Elevation Certificate. We will process your request and provide a price and timeframe upon receipt.
What is an Elevation Certificate (Flood Cert):
The Elevation Certificate provides information for insurance companies, lenders and community flood control administrators. This information is required to estimate the risks for flooding. Elevation Certificates are required by the National Flood Program which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This certification is required in areas which have been identified as having a potential for flooding.
In March of 2009, FEMA made updates to flood zones and maps in many areas. Due to this change, many areas that were previously not in an area considered a flood zone are now marked as such. In some cases it is possible that an area within a special flood zone is actually higher than the base flood elevation. In such case, FEMA allows for a single lot letter of Map Amendment to take a lot or a subdivision out of the flood plain. The land owner must prove that the natural elevations in that area were incorrect and that the property is higher than the base flood elevation in the area. The findings will be reflected on future flood maps. The LOMA may reduce insurance costs. FEMA also allows for a Letter of Map Revision in the event that some type of change to the land has occurred and the elevation has risen. Channeling and levees may also have reduced flood risk.